September 16, 2013

Quote of the Day

Me: "What are you eating in there?"
Kai: "A gorilla bar...:

August 19, 2013

Quote of the Day

Kai: "I found it under the couch for Heavens Sakes!"

August 13, 2013

Quote of the Day

Kai: "I'm grateful you're my mom, and Ian's too!"

August 4, 2013

Quote of the Day

Me: "Tell me about your sleep over with Nana?"
Kai: "Ohhhh, it's a long story..."

Quote of the day

Kai: "Don't worry Mommy, I won't get fleas!"

July 15, 2013

Quote of the Day

Kai: "Mommy, I'm going to colour my fingernails."
Me: "If you do that we'll have to put the crayons away."
Kai: "Mommy, when I'm all done colouring my pictures I'm going to colour my fingernails!"

June 9, 2013

Molly and the Oak Island Treasure

Almost a year ago we visited Halifax to see the tall ships and one our favorite preforming groups, Maritime Marionettes, preformed Molly and the Oak Island Treasure. Ian and I watched the entire show, captures, but Kai being only 2 and a half at the time, was less than focused on the performance. At the end of the show the puppeteers gave us a recording of the show on tape. We listened to the tape that night and Kai has listened to it almost every night before bed since then. The Maritime Marionettes showed their performance to Kai's favorite show again the weekend, and this time he was captures too.



First Rock Concert

Adam and I have been to a lot of concerts lately. We went to the Jay Smith benefit concert and saw Joel Plaskett Emergency, the Meds, the Stanfields and In-Flight Safety and Gordie Sampson, Matt Andersen, Thom Swift, Dustin Bentall, Carleton Stone and of course MATT MAYS. Then we saw The Stanfields, and Matt Anderson and Old Crow Medicine Show in Wolfville, and THEN we saw the meds and the Trews. Needless to say our little music enthusiast, Ian, was feeling left out and upset that he couldn't see any of his favorite preformers, that is until last night. Ian and Brooks first show was put on the Red Bull tour bus in the Canard center and the main act was his FAVORITE artist; Matt Mays. Our great friend has been doing the sound for the tour bus so we even got the royal treatment; a tour of the bus, meeting some of the Meds and Ian got to meet and request a song from his idol, Matt himself.

Quote of the Day

Ian: "You should see it in there! There are SO many unirals. I'll count them for you when I go back in there!"


Ian: "9, Mommy"
Me: "9 what?"
Ian: "Urinals, mommy! 9 urinals!"

June 1, 2013

Quote of the Day

Kai: "I wish  I had a horsey."
Me: "What would you name your horse?"
Kai: "Gallahatchy"
Me: "Wow, where did you get that name from?"
Kai: "From BC, when I was a adult!"

May 9, 2013

Quote of the Day

Kai: "Look Mom, a long-nech-a-saurus! and a Spine-a-saurus and an Angry-a-saurus!"

May 7, 2013

Where have I been?

I have been sadly neglecting this blog, but I have excuses, lots of excuses! Moving in the winter is a big one. We bought this six bedroom house to accomidate our expanding family. However I find often despite the six bedrooms four of us end up in one bedroom.

Quote of the Day

We're all playing musical instruments in a "band" as per requested by Kai.
Kai: "It's okm Mommy, you can just watch!"

March 15, 2013

Quote of the Day

Kai: "Don't worry Mom, someday I'll use the potty!"

January 28, 2013

Quote of the Day

Adam: "Kai do you want another pancake?"


Adam: "Kai do you want another pancake?"


Adam: "Kai??!!"

Kai: "Pretend I'm a camel..."

January 25, 2013

Quote of the Day

Ian: "I went spinning through the air and did a 10-80!"

January 24, 2013

Quote of the Day

Me: "Kai don't pick your nose and eat it."
Kai: "well, can I throw my boogers on the floor?"

January 17, 2013

Quote of the Day

Adam: "Ian do NOT put a carrot up your brother butt!!"

Quote of the Day

Kai: "Mommy, I want to put my leg warmers on so i can dance to the music!"

*the 80's live on!!!