January 21, 2011

Today I Followed My Bliss

In my childbirth Education classes I am going to pass on what I believe to be an invaluable exercise to my clients called Following You Bliss. In Pam England's Book Our Birthing From Within Keepsake Journal Pam suggests that parents write down three ways that will follow their bliss (going golfing, finishing a novel) before their baby is one. Today my favorite magazine came in the mail. Before adding class planning to my already hectic like I use to love to take my magazine and read it cover to cover (always back to front too!)in one go. Long gone are those days with my busy toddler, however I put all things birth related aside and enjoy a few moments Bliss. I of course did not get through the entire magazine back to front before mischief needed inter veining, but I got in three or four solid articles. Bliss!

January 4, 2011

The End of Christmas Vacation

While most of the other parents are jumping for joy at the prospect of sending their kids back to school after two weeks of routinelessness chaos, I sit here in my jammies full of melancholy. I will admit that Ian has been particularly full of energy these days, (he was still bouncing off the walls after a 2.5k hike up a mountain), the containment of the house due to Nova Scotia winter wonderlands has been hard on us all. Still I am not completely convinced that public school is the best option. I wonder if any other parents or staff involved in the school share the same morals as our family does? In comparison I am an over protective mom, who “blow[s] things out of proportion.” Does no one else worry about the moral of our children? Am I the only one who is concerned about teaching ethics, or the state of the next generation? The media that is considered acceptable for a five year old amazes me, and offers an explanation as to why one child threatens to kill another without consequence. I guess this is the part where you let them go and hope like hell you have done a adequate job of teaching them right from wrong, I just didn’t expect to come to this element of parenting so soon.