June 30, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Nana Linda, do you know what makes a really funny water squirter?"
"What Nash?"
"My penis!"

Journal Entry #2 It Makes Me Smile.....

Ian's curls
Arrested Development
Random acts of kindness so often bestowed upon us by my in-laws
Flea Market Finds
Live Clean Baby Wash
Baby Kai's sweet cheeks (top and bottom)

Random text messages from my sister
Mac and cheese (or fish casserole, or over night rolls, or just about anything) made by my Grandma
Clean sheets that have been hung on the line
When my big boy makes my little boy hysterical with laughter
Cooking (and eating) something amazing
A juicy work of fiction (preferably from the Outlander series)
When my husband tries to tell me some fact from "Adam's Big Book of Lies"

When 20 or so of us gather at my Grandparents house to play ring toss and eat
Good Coffee
MY mom
Adam Singing
Retro fabric
Sunny Saturdays
Thin and fast laptops
MSN conversations with my drunk best friend from the other side of the world
Nursing baby gymnastics

June 29, 2010

Journal Entry #1 A Book That Changed My Life

When I was expecting my first son, Ian, I came across a copy of One by Richard Bach. Now, I am a fiction junkie, but alternate universes? Not quite my thing! Once I got into the book though, I was hooked. The idea that every decision you make, every choice alters your path really spoke to me. I became very conscious of my actions and the impact they had upon my life. I think this book should be on the curriculum list for all high school students.

*My other choice would be Birthing From Within. I think Birthing From Within has changed my life even more significantly, but One was easier to write about.

Journal Jars

June is a month of birthdays for me and while browsing for some good inexpensive birthday gifts I came across theses Journal Jars http://www.dana-made-it.com/2008/07/tutorial-journal-jars.html. I love them so much I not only made them for the birthday girls but for myself, and my mom too. Rather than jars I purchased wooden boxes from the dollar store and painted them to match the journals I had. My journal is this blog

Quilting Through a Generation

I didn't know my husbands grandparents very well, but I have heared so many stories about them I feel like I have known them all my life. Grandpa Lloyd passed away this November, the day before Kai was born, and Grandma Joyce has gone into a nursing home with alzheimer's. My wonder mother-in-law has a grasp for my sentimental side, in fact she shares it with me, and has been kind enough to bring me some treasures from their house in New York. Among those treasutes a 1979 Singer, that Joyce no doubt sewed countless projects, on and about five unfinished quilts. Here is one that I finished on the Singer for my oldest. I have not done the hand quilting of the squares yet, but that will come.

June 21, 2010

Quote of the Day

Ian is swinging on the swing, and learning to pump his legs, "Dad, when I get to big kid school I'll be able to get high all by myself!"

Quote of the Day

"Dad said to do it this way (I was watering the garden) and he's smarter than you, a LOT smarter than you!"

June 10, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Well Nana, my Dad is a tiny bit smarter than you and he said..."

He Passed Sandbox

It seems like just the other day I was sending him off on his first day of preschool with a home haircut and a ball cap, and now....
